Thursday 21 September 2017

Myicon – 香港商務中心

租寫字樓需要重複處理很多事情,是營商上的一大缺點,但當商務中心 (Business Centre) 能夠提供方便的位置(Causeway Bay Serviced office)、一流的設施、完美無缺的辦公室出租 (Office rental) 虛擬辦公室配套、連同商務會議室及專業的商業秘書服務時,所謂的重複就會變得令人愉悅欣慰。

一流的商務中心(Business Center) 設施絕對是選用Myicon Hong Kong Serviced Office的營商優勢。Myicon商務中心 (Business Centre) 的成功關鍵,是在辦公室出租(Office rental) 服務中採用了一流的設施,於接待處及整個商務中心(Business Center)提供最新的通訊設備和配置設施。無論是業務往來或與同事、客人討論重要事項,均可使用商務中心(Business Centre) 設備齊全的通訊設備及會議室,隨時準備好最好的溝通配套和商務中心(Business Center)服務。

Myicon Hong Kong Serviced Office提供的寫字樓出租服務均無與倫比,您只需來訪Myicon的香港商務中心,即可獲得第一手資料。位於銅鑼灣金聯商業中心的香港商務中心(Causeway Bay Serviced office) 佔盡地利優惠,商務中心提供虛擬辦公室、服務式辦公室出租、接待及會議設備,一系列完美間格的房間,一應俱全的設施及商務服務,一整個環境都覆蓋充足照明,蒂造一個完美的商務中心以滿足營商的具體支援。

Myicon Hong Kong Serviced Office 為虛擬辦公室提供專業服務,員工們均能展示出專業服務所具有的質素,他們均受過特別培訓,協調商務往來電話、收集、寄發、存儲甚至掃描文件,隨時有效函接及傳遞訊息內容。

Myicon香港商業中心 提供特別會議室,客戶可於短時間內安排並舉行私人會議,會議室房間寬敞,足以滿足會議的需求。

這是由Myicon商務中心 協助客戶註冊公司而提供的一站式服務,註冊過程快速、高效和可靠,協助客戶隨時可以展開業務。

如果您需要寫字樓出租的協助,或者想了解更多關於Myicon商務中心 的資訊,請不要猶豫,立即與我們聯絡。

電話:+852  2721 1800
Causeway Bay Serviced office :

Tuesday 27 June 2017

How to Find the Perfect Spot for Your Business Center

A famous catch phrase goes - location, location, location. Though it's closely related to the important estate sector, it holds smart for each different business venture that aims to achieve success. However a very important question follows right behind. That question is - 'how does one realize the proper location for our Business Center?' like most practices, there are a unit some tricks and tips to the present trade. Allow us to take a glance into a number of them.

1.The current rent rates -

One of the foremost obvious factors that have got to be thought-about in creating a call regarding wherever to open your business center is that the rent that may be charges for the premises. Or, if you're aiming to obtain an area, then the value you have got to purchase a similar should be thought-about. Whereas you want to not compromise on a beautiful location simply as a result of the rates area unit high, you want to conjointly pay attention to confirm that the rent for your business center isn't extravagant compared along with your potential financial gain from the place.

2.The heartbeat of the realm -

Certain area unites are the hub of all endeavor, whereas others area unit in additional remote locations, and ideal for a slower, quieter life. The previous areas can build ideal locations for business centers to surface. The rationale behind this can be that it's continually easier to possess all necessary merchandise and services obtainable at a step, rather than having them stuffed into some remote space far-off. Also, it bodes well for your business to find it within the heart of a town or a city.

3.Geographical and environmental factors -

Certain area unites are a lot of at risk of natural disasters like landslides and earthquakes. Logic dictates that it might not be informed open a business center is such areas. Therefore, it's necessary to contemplate geographical and environmental factors before nailing a spot for your center.

4.The wants of the individuals and organizations within the space -

These centers supply bound services and merchandise as is that the norm. However, before deciding specifically what merchandise and services your business center covers, it's essential that you simply take a fast survey of the realm and perceive the necessities of the individuals living within the place, and therefore the necessities of the organizations that area unit being run within the neighborhood, in order that you'll be able to cater to their desires consequently.

More Information Click Here: 商務中心